
Tragicomedy series by Roy Aernouts and Herwig Ilegems.


Roy Aernouts


Herwig Ilegems & Wim Helsen


Herwig Ilegems




6 x 25′


Prix Europa



Clinch is a six-part series about the ultimate confrontation between three archetypical protagonists. They meet for the first time in every episode and get tangled up in an awkward encounter where they totally depend on each other. And while they flounder around, somebody happens to die. Always.

Every Clinch episode tells the story of a slightly silly stand-off between three men in a particular place or situation: a car crash, a real estate home tour in a cottage, a driving class taking way too long, a single hospital room that’s too big, a lift that gets stuck and a roof to escape reality.

Every situation gets out of hand quite quickly, to the point where the only question left is: ‘Now what?’ While the three men try to find an answer, they are hindered by language, which doesn’t seem to be an efficient communication tool at all. As time goes by any possible solution gets out of sight and the three are on the end of their rope. When they finally see a light at the end of the tunnel a skeleton comes out of the closet. Inevitably.

Clinch is visually dressed down to a point where only archetypes stay afloat. The series is filmed in black and white, and every single visual detail strengthens the power of dialogue. The impossibility of clear communication makes the men spiral into a deadly climax, every time again.

Clinch is the ultimate proof that faith has an extraordinary aptitude to create inconvenient situations. It is proof that these situations lead to humour, a kind of humour that is awkward. Always.

The scenario for Clinch was written by Roy Aernouts. Aernouts is a play-writer, cabaretier, actor, writer and musician who made his debut as a scenarist with Clinch. Director Herwig Ilegems is known for his series Duts and is a well-esteemed actor in theatre and television series. The three main characters are played by Roy Aernouts himself, Wim Helsen – known as a comedian and cabaretier – and Nico Sturm.